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As we watch the two videos describing how to solve one- and two-step equations, remember to take notes and pay attention to how he decides to perform each step.  You may go back and watch these videos on your own, or watch other videos that deal with the skills presented in the videos.


There are two rules to remember when solving any equation:

1)  What you do to one side of the equals sign, you have to do to the other side.  Make sure the equation is always balanced.

2)  Think of the opposite operation.



Here are the steps for solving simple equations:

1)  Add or subtract to isolate the variable term

2)  Multiple or divide to isolate the variable

Math Log Entry #1


Before you begin the activity, take a moment to write down how the properties of operations affect solving equations.  If we have 2x+4=12:

  • Why would we subtract 4?  What does this accomplish?

  • Why divide by 2?  What does this accomplish?

When you are done writing this in your math log, proceed to the activity below.


Activity One


1.  You are going to learn about some of the magic of Algebra.  Think of a number, write it down, and type it in your calculator.

2.  Add 5 to your number

3.  Multiply the result by 2

4.  Subtract 4 from that result

5.  Divide the answer by 2

6.  Subtract the original number

Now repeat these steps with a different number.

Write a 200 word (approximate) essay in your Math Log describing why this process will give you the same result every time.  Think about:

  • If the problem was an equation, what would it look like?

  • Why do these specific steps result in the answer they do?

  • What would happen if the steps were altered?







Create three equations.  Solve them on a separate sheet of paper and give the original three along with the three problems on simplifying expressions to your partner.  They will do the same for you.  These six problems are your homework tonight.  Tomorrow you will have a chance to check your answers with your partner's key.


If you have extra time, visit the following site to help you solve equations:

  • Try to correctly solve at least 5 equations.


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