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Start off by spending 5-10 minutes reviewing how to solve simple equations here:
As we watch the following videos describing how to solve multi-step equations, make sure to take notes and pay attention to why he performs the steps to solve each equation.  If you would like to rewatch these videos or watch other videos that deal with these skills, please do so.  REMEMBER THE RULES FOR SOLVING EQUATIONS!!!


Here are the steps for solving multi-step equations:

1)  Distribute

2)  Combine Like Terms

3)  Add or subtract to isolate the variable term

4)  Multiply or divide to isolate the variable


What happens when there is a variable on both sides of the equation?  There is one change in the steps:

1)  Distribute

2)  Combine Like Terms

3)  Get the variables on the same side by adding or subtracting (small to big)

4)  Add or subtract to isolate the variable term

5)  Multiply or divide to isolate the variable



We will now view a PREZI that shows the steps for solving a multi-step equation.  Take notes!!  You can look back at this at any time as a reference.




If you need some more instruction, visit this site to walk you through several more examples involving a balance scale:




Now it is time to practice your skills.  On this website, you should do "Algebra Balance Scales" first and then attempt "Algebra Balance Scales - Negatives"

  • Work on each for 10 minutes.


After this, try out these interactive whiteboard apps:

Under the title An Equation Tool there are 6 total problems.  Click on each and it will take you to another page.  Click on the picture and it will bring up the whiteboard.

  • Complete all 6 problems.


Next, visit this site:

There are five levels of difficulty and this will perform whatever operation you choose.  Some will be helpful in solving, others will make it more difficult.

  • Solve at least 10 problems correctly before moving on.



Now that you have had plenty of practice with solving equations, here is what you need to do:

  • Create six problems that involve the equations we encountered today (multi-step equations).  On a separate sheet of paper, solve these equations and give the originals to your partner.  This will be your homework tonight.

  • Write a journal entry in your math log.  Here are a few guiding questions for you:

    • What was your favorite game/app that you used today?

    • What was one thing that you learned today?

    • What is one thing that you are struggling with?

    • Why is it important to learn how to solve equations?

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